How Cyber Security has Changed Over Time


Over the last decade, there have been some tremendous changes made in cyber security. Unfortunately, today, cyber security is more important than ever. According to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, about one out of three households have computers infected with malware. Staying one step ahead of hackers and other cyber threats have prompted some major changes over the last decade. Here is a deeper dive.

Security Has Moved Beyond Business Networks

Initially, cyber security was heavily concerned with business networks and protecting those networks from cyber threats. Today, security has moved well beyond focusing solely on business networks. Today, cyber security applies to every connected electronic device from smartphones to home security systems.

Hackers have become more sophisticated and brazen. Hacking is no longer just a challenge that some college kids want to test. Hacking today is a billion-dollar industry. Network security has evolved to anticipate the hacker’s next move before they make it using AI and machine learning.

There is No One-Size-Fits-All Approach Any Longer

A little over a decade ago, IT security was a one-size-fits-all approach. There were a handful of options available to control threats that were used by everyone. Today, security experts know that there has to be a multi-layer approach to thwart unauthorized users for data protection. Today’s security has to be far more complex.

Where The Security Comes From

Ten years ago it was not unusual to have an in-house IT team that was responsible for security. Today, it is far more likely to have an offsite team providing managed IT support including monitoring and security updates. Outsourced IT management and security are very common today because it ensures the job is done right.

If you have not revisited your security recently, now is the time to do it. Security has improved greatly over the last decade. You could be missing out on improving the protection of your network, whether it is a home network or a business network.

Security must be a priority for anyone and everyone that uses the internet. Learning more about the evolution of cyber security can help you to improve your IT security. Connect with a provider today that can give you the information you need to make an informed decision about your cyber security.

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